Thursday, May 26, 2011

nike air force

nike air force. This is Nike#39;s latest Air
  • This is Nike#39;s latest Air

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 02:22 AM
    Oh really.
    Ok, tell me what's out there that can substitute on a professional level Photoshop, After Effects and Illustrator.

    I am sure you don't work on the business, so you have no clue.

    A follow-up question: why the obsession with Photoshop, After Effects and Illustrator? There are other apps out there as well. Why does it seem that about 105% of Mac-users are Photoshop-users as well (I bet that PhotoShop-users are in fact in the minority)? Everything related to Apple, OS X and Macs seem to boil down to "but what about PhotoShop?". Well, what about it?

    You are worried about the fact that Adobe's apps are not yet Universal? Fine, then don't buy a MacIntel. Problem solved.

    nike air force. Check out the Nike Air Force
  • Check out the Nike Air Force

  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 11:19 AM
    But� 3.5% mac market share which includes stupid iPads as computers is pretty dismal (laughable even). As an enterprise user of macs I find that pretty embarrassing and quite telling of where OSX really stands in the grand scheme of things.
    But a pitiful 3.5%? Absolutely mind-boggling.

    Where are you getting 3.5% from? It's higher than that without counting iPad.

    nike air force. Nike Air Force 1
  • Nike Air Force 1

  • KingYaba
    May 2, 01:21 PM
    So few virus for MAC than when one appears it is news... :)

    It's news because Apple has paraded though commercials explaining how they're safe and Windows is not. Safe from viruses, yes, but even as I looked through this thread I noticed some people don't understand the difference.


    nike air force. nike croc air force one
  • nike croc air force one

  • redkamel
    Aug 29, 06:57 PM
    3 The point is that I've never heard a satisfactory answer as to why water vapor isn't taken into effect when discussing global warming, when it is undeniably the largest factor of the greenhouse effect. ...
    Forty years ago, cars released nearly 100 times more C02 than they do today, industry polluted the atmosphere while being completely unchecked, and deforestation went untamed. Thanks to grassroots movement in the 60s and 70s (and yes, Greenpeace), worldwide pollution has been cut dramatically, and C02 pollution has been cut even more thanks to the Kyoto Agreement. But global warming continues, despite human's dramatically decreased pollution of the atmosphere.

    man I just had to post....the nerd in me...

    Probably (no sarcasm) because most water vapor is naturally produced and can be recycled as rain, while greenhouse gasses usually stay in the atmosphere. CO2 can also be recycled, however it does not recycle itself as water vapor does, it requires another source to convert it to organic carbon.

    While nature may produce 3x the CO2 as humans, I do not believe the level of CO2 produced by nature is increasing. Nature also has built in systems to use the CO2 it makes to capture energy, or to store the CO2 as carbon in fossil fuels or matter. Humans only produce CO2 by making energy for themselves to use, and their production is increasing, without a way to draw the CO2 they made back out. Therefore the increase in CO2 that will not be removed is the concern. There are also other chemicals, but CO2 is widely publicized because everyone knows what it is, too.

    Its like if you have a storeroom people drop things off in and take things out of, but it happens at pretty much the same rate. Except there is just one guy who only drops stuff off. Eventually all his stuff will take up a noticeable space in the storeroom.

    Increases in greenhouses gasses are not immedieatly felt. We are now feeling the effects of gasses from decades ago. Also, although you say 'worldwide pollution has decreased", even though I doubt it is true, you mean our RATE of poullution has decreased, not the total amount of pollution we have put in the air, which is still increasing. When we decrease the amount of net pollution produced by humans, then it is a good sign.

    Also to everyone complaining about out environment being ruined, yet want GM crops to grow food to stop starvation...(disclaimer: I am not cold hearted, I am realistic). The problem we have on this planet, as many agree, is too much pollution. Pollution is caused by people. So if we have more people, we will have more pollution. More people=more pollution.

    When a system's carrying capacity is reached, the population level declines until resources can recover, then it climbs again. But if you artificially raise the carrying capacity (as humans like to do), then the crash will be bigger....and the resources may not survive as they are deprived of the humans that run, control, and supply them.

    Believe it or not, our planet was not designed to sustain 8 billion people. Finding ways to produce food efficiently is great...but it should be used for less resources= same amount of food, NOT same resources=more food. It IS too bad people have to starve. But using that efficiency to make more food for more people will only lead to more people wanting more food, and goods. Eventually it will not be able to be supplied...for some reason or other. And you will have a very, very large crash.

    Though experiment: you put a bunch of fish in a small fish tank. Keep feeding them...they reproduce. Clean the water...feed them all, they reproduce. Eventually they waste faster than you clean, or you forget to clean one day...and they all die.

    nike air force. air force 1 low nike 1
  • air force 1 low nike 1

  • EricNau
    Apr 25, 12:02 AM
    The ACT test is like the SAT but for the middle of America. I got 36* and literally only studied the day before.

    *weight my arguments posted on the Internet accordingly.
    Long time no see. It's nice to have you back. :)

    nike air force. Nike Air Force 180 Meteorite
  • Nike Air Force 180 Meteorite

  • 2ndname
    Apr 10, 10:16 PM
    I like to run both. I love Apple due to their simplicity. IMO it just focuses on working. You want to edit photos, get an Apple that is powerful enough to do that and it just works. You want to just surf the web, get an entry level Apple based on your preference (iPhone/iPad/Notebooks/etc.) and it just works. I'm actually waiting on the iMac refresh to set my fiance up with her first Apple desktop. I got her an iPad 2 and she loves it. For her, it's great to have a product that will work based on what she needs it for (Movie watching, surfing the web, editing photos). The fact that it looks clean and modern is a plus.

    As for myself, I work in the IT field and our shop runs Windows. I love building my own rig every year and it keeps me current with the ever evolving computer technology. I'm glad that we have options.

    nike air force. Retail $250. Maharam
  • Retail $250. Maharam

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:33 PM
    In all probability made much worse by listening to people like you sermonising them with absolutely unfounded and hateful rubbish for the good of their benighted souls.
    If I've harmed anyone in anyone in any way, I want to hear about that from the harmed ones. Everyone here is welcome to his opinion about me. If anyone here hates me, he's welcome to say so publicly or privately. But I think I'm the only one here who knows whether I hate anyone. We're strangers to one another.

    nike air force. Black Nike Air Force 1 High
  • Black Nike Air Force 1 High

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 12, 09:45 AM
    I'd just like to direct all of your attention to this thread ( and ask those of you who said merom was going to be in the imac: what were you thinking? :confused: ;)

    I realize it's a little early to be gloating, but c'mon, it's definitely going to be conroe. Which, btw, I find even more exciting than the mac pro news because while I'll never have a mac pro, an imac is always possible. :cool: (though I'm thrilled about woodcrest in the mac pro anyway because it allows the imac to get conroe, and because it's great news for those of you who want a mac pro. :))

    nike air force. Nike Air Force 1 iD – Fall of
  • Nike Air Force 1 iD – Fall of

  • elbirth
    Oct 21, 10:33 PM
    Anyone know anything about these suppliers, other than Crucial Technology?

    Several co-workers of mine have used 18004memory and Datamem and rave about how good they are. Pretty low prices compared to other places and they seem to be fairly reliable.

    I bought a 1GB stick from 18004memory for my MacBook Pro but it makes it reboot once every few days or so (once I take it out, it'll go weeks without randomly rebooting). I need to RMA it, but I think it was just bad luck on my part.

    nike air force. Nike Air Force 1 – Black
  • Nike Air Force 1 – Black

  • Hodapp
    Sep 26, 04:57 PM
    And you can swap 'em right in. If Apple doesn't release a Mac Pro upgrade with some other goodies (I'm personally hoping for DDR2, as the 8GB of goofy RAM in my Mac Pro cost me an arm and a leg.) I'm just going to buy a couple quad core chips and toss them in my machine.

    nike air force. Nike Air Force 1 – Spring 2009
  • Nike Air Force 1 – Spring 2009

  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 06:35 PM

    Ok, here we go. You have a program.c so compile it into compiler.o like this:

    gcc -c program.c

    You may place flags such as -O before -c, or maybe even after it. But certainly before it. Anyway, you have some asm_func.asm, so compile it into asm_func.o like this:

    nasm -f elf asm_func.asm

    Now, you can link these two .o files like this:

    gcc *o -o exe

    Which makes an executable named exe (which of course you can change to be whatever you want).

    Anyway, do note that the ASM funcs do the integer "benchmark" and not the float one. Also, I think because I overwrite ebx when I am not supposed to, the asm routines tend to cause program segaults after they exit. :) But they still provide a valid result. I could fix that, but whatever.

    nike air force. The Nike Air Force 1 Mid
  • The Nike Air Force 1 Mid

  • ubersoldat
    Jun 5, 05:08 PM
    Not sure this is a good test...

    I'm beginning to see that while ATT is the bigger culprit, the iphone itself may play a role in what happens with dropped calls...

    My service (as is well documented in these forums) at home was/is terrible.

    I recently purchased the microcell, from ATT, and I can now make calls in my house!! Except, when I move exactly 20 feet away from the microcell into my kitchen, my iPhone struggles with itself to pick up the 2 bar distant tower that was the guilty party in dropping my calls... so now, in my house iPhone juggles between a 5 bar microcell and a 1-2 bar tower (which still drops calls). It also drops every call that I'm on if i leave my house during a call, or arrive at my house during a call.

    it's absolutely ridiculous that you have to buy a microcell (at&t should provide you one free of charge) to get 5 bars. the technology is there as here in germany we have 5 bars (2G and 3G) without issues even in buildings with tons of armored concrete...

    nike air force. Nike Air Force
  • Nike Air Force

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 13, 02:21 PM
    Most of the major power sources in use today come with major safety/environmental risks. Nuclear is in some ways potentially the most risky. However, people will continue to use it because it works.

    We are only as safe as the weakest nuclear power plant, and some of the old Soviet designs still operating are truly scary. But I see a discussion over whether or not to use nuclear power as being 60 years too late - nuclear power is here to stay, due to pressure to satisfy civil power demands that will require them to remain in operation and even expand in numbers. At this point in time renewable energy sources are producing only a fraction of the energy they must produce if we are to start decommissioning nuclear plants.

    nike air force. Nike Air Force 1 White/Varsity
  • Nike Air Force 1 White/Varsity

  • Hildron101010
    Apr 12, 10:22 PM
    Steve Jobs said the new version would be "awesome," well I disagree. He was completely wrong... IT IS FREAKIN' ASTOUNDING! Bravo Apple!

    For the PCs of tomorrow, look at the Macs of today.

    nike air force. Nike Air Force 1 GS – White
  • Nike Air Force 1 GS – White

  • lilo777
    Apr 20, 09:03 PM
    Just curious what NFC does in any Android device currently?

    Of course you can work hard to drain the phones battery but LTE is draining the phones battery without trying. Nothing wrong with that, but Apple focuses on a single model and they have a set of requirements that they wish to achieve (battery life being awesome is one of them!).

    If you don't like it, don't buy it, I guess?

    Quote: "Google has begun distributing stickers with near field communication (NFC) technology to businesses throughout Austin, Texas as part of its Google Places roll out. The stickers allow users to tap their NFC-equipped phone on the sticker and access content and information relevant to the local business.

    The stickers are manufactured by Smartag and measure 80mm x 50mm (3.15 in x 1.97 in) in size. Users who have the Google Places app on their smartphones will be able to see the business' address, phone number, hours of business, types of payment accepted, reviews, and more. The user also has the ability to rate and review the business right from their mobile device. They will then receive personalized recommendations in their search results based on their preferences."

    So OSX allows user access to all critical files with no option to hide?

    I believe so. I am not aware of any other OS but Windows that has this feature.

    nike air force. nike air force 2 valetine Nike
  • nike air force 2 valetine Nike

  • MacAddict1978
    Apr 15, 11:05 AM
    I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.

    Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied? Aren't they suicidal, too, or are we saying here that gays have a particular emotional defect and weakness? They're not strong enough to tough this out? Is that the image the gay community wants to promote?

    Man, being a fat kid in high school. That was rough. There were a number of cool, popular gay guys in my school. I'm sure they took some crap from some people, but oh how I would have rather been one of them! But hey, I'm still here, I'm still alive.

    Bullying is a universal problem that affects just about anyone with some kind of difference others choose to pick on. It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    It's rotten to pick on anyone. However,it's very rare that someone is medically over weight because of a condition. I got rather heavy in my lifetime, but see, I can get off my lazy butt and do something about that. I have a choice. If it is a medical issue, I have other options. Or I can make the best of my appearance, it's all on the outside. If people picked on me because of my weight, I could be motivated to maybe drop some pounds? Live better? It's like the kid that had millions of pimples (and I was that kid too). You can treat it and make it go away. Sorry pal, but no amount of weight lifting, dieting, or acne cream can change who you are. Someone can't go on a gay diet and make the gay go away. Did people hate you because of what you were born into, who you were? NO. Did you go home and wonder if you told you mom your ass got a little bigger she'd throw you into the street? And funny, but see if a teacher hears someone making fun of you, they'll do something about it. There are teachers who make fun of gay kids with students. Not to say there isn't a teacher who might think things about heavy kids too, but hatred and making fun of someone are very different. People hate you that don't even know you because they're taught to. You could go to the prom with whoever you wanted and not be afraid of it or told you're not allowed. They don't tell kids they can't go to the prom because they have a weight problem, but many schools tell gay kids they can't bring the date they want to.

    I'm not a special rights person. I'm an equal rights person, and that's missing. And as a kid that was fat, covered in pimples, and gay, I can only saw to have to deal with only being heavy would have been like a freaking dream! When you were in high school, did you see storeis about kids hung from trees because their peers lynched them for being over weight? I can't recall ever such a story, but I can think of at least 20 where gay kids were murdered out of hate. Truly, if being called fat ass was the worse thing I ever had to deal with, I'd be happy!

    nike air force. Nike Air Force 2 High Nintendo
  • Nike Air Force 2 High Nintendo

  • Rocketman
    Sep 12, 04:33 PM
    There's no need for DVR functionality. Apple will replace your cable subscription. You just subsribe to the shows you want and al la carte other shows after that. Networks will probably even do the season premieres free to get you hooked or add sponsor the shows to make them free. TV on demand is obviously the next wave - even the cable companies know it and have on demand etc. I mean not to be racist but I'm happy to stop paying comcast for the 10+ stations that are in languages I don't even speak. I barely speak english - hahaha.

    In conclusion - its the same data - just different timing.

    Here is something I saw today for the first time. Cable TV to your IP address.

    Low priced too for what it does.


    nike air force. As part of the Nike Air Force
  • As part of the Nike Air Force

  • miketcool
    Oct 7, 04:22 PM
    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, a cupcake is going to take down iPhone?

    We currently have Donut. Eclair is coming, followed by many others. I will always take a nice pastry over an apple any day of the week. :D

    nike air force. x 1World Nike Air Force 1
  • x 1World Nike Air Force 1

  • AP_piano295
    Apr 22, 08:18 PM
    Didn't you know? Aside from owning Apple products it's also quite trendy being an atheist. They think they don't need to back up their points with Reason or facts so it's a kind of intellectual laziness which compels most people.

    I'm not saying that I'm a devout Christian or anything of the sort, I'm agnostic, but it's based on Reason.

    Well supported points there :rolleyes:.

    There are a-lot of atheists on these boards because there are quite a few far left atheists on these boards. Leftists are more likely to be atheists.

    I like to believe it's because they make their decisions based on logic and reason.

    Oct 26, 01:46 PM
    After much debate and anguish i finally decided to order my Mac Pro yesterday... figures this would come up now.... /sigh. I am assuming they will only add a higher end config, but honestley... do any of us know?So you didn't know they were going 8-Core next month? It's only gonna be an extra $300 over the price of the 4-Core 3GHz model for the 8-Core 2.66GHz model. If you are into video and especially compression, 8-cores will make a big productivity difference.

    Scarlet Fever
    Jul 12, 01:26 AM
    Sorry but I think I have lost hope for OS X
    Funny choice, noting your username...

    Apple can't afford to use anything less that 4 x 2.5GHz for their high-end machine, because on paper, it doesnt look as impressive. If Intel cant get the hardware right, Apple should just upgrade the G5 and wait till Intel can get 16x PCI, 4 cores, etc.

    Just a moment of reflection... a year ago, if someone asked us which Intel chip we thought would find its way into a PowerMac , we would probably curse them for blasphemy :rolleyes: . Now were having a poll, and getting excited about the prospect of Woodcrest chips...

    As to the poster who wished for the Apple Mac, i think that would be brilliant. i want a machine which i can put new parts in, but doesn't cost me an arm to buy. Here, the base model G5 powermac is around 3000, which is out of my price range. If they introduced something like the iMac, but with user replaceable parts, i think they would sell well.

    Apr 23, 01:04 AM
    The ad at the top is calling us out.
    >>I'm referring to an ad that says "Learn grammar punctuation."

    Haha very possible, as far as grammar goes my primary rule is (does it sound alright? Yeah, well it's probably grammaticality accurate enough ;))

    And punctuation, well...

    . = end of sentence
    , = for throwing in when your sentences look to long to be quite right
    ? = questions
    ! = exclamations

    as for the rest of them :eek: I know I tend to use a colon when I'm starting a list but that's mostly just because it looks right :D.

    Oh well more than half of my college professors speak barely passable English and a fair number of my fellow students as well. So i'm above average...right? :rolleyes:

    Aug 29, 02:47 PM
    It might help starving Africans, but we could also screw up our genetical inheritance royally. Cross breeding is a problem we know too little about.

    Ditto stem cells. :)

    Apr 9, 11:43 AM
    Wait? There's no need to wait. You are doing yourself a disservice. Do yourself a favor. Go to one of your friends houses, one with a PS3 or Xbox and at least a 37 inch TV. Play Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia. Come back and tell us what's the difference.

    Yeah, of course there is a difference on a console. I thought we were comparing hand helds. And I'm not claiming the iphone is the best experience for a lot of games (notice that I've pretty much said that PoP and Assassin's Creed would do better with buttons but for my purposes it's still fun on touchscreen).

    I'm not claiming I'm some sort of hard core gamer.

    But what I am claiming, is that there are *good* games on the iphone that are more than just "timewasters" (Well, honestly, any game is a "timewaster" if you think about it. Do you really think you do anything productive when you game? No. You do it for fun in your free time). But there are games that you can get into and play for more than five minutes (stuff that isn't the Angry Birds type game). Games that have me put down my computer and actually focus on them for long periods of time. I'm really happy to see that happen more on the iphone. I love that Square has started putting games on (if you can't tell, they're one of my favorite game makers ;). But Gameloft has started getting my love too).

    That's what I'm saying.

    Let me watch you play those on the subway. This is all about portable gaming.

    Pretty much. It's kinda stupid to compare the iphone to a PS3 or Xbox. That's apples and oranges. No handheld is going to compare to something like that, if nothing else for having a large screen and a controller that really is designed to be a controller (and not a controller and a screen in one. No handheld can be as easy to use as a controller as a dedicated controller, which btw, I totally prefer the Playstation's/Playstation 2 controller. That was the most ergonomic controller I've experienced but I haven't had a console since the PS2. It's about as much difference in experience as a touch screen vs. buttons really. I always find handheld games are more awkward to control and have my hands cramp up. But the point of them is portability so you do make compromises).

    True, some iPad/iPhone games are "casual time wasters" but there are also some FANTASTIC games. Dead Space iOS is fantastic and guess what, ITS WAS 10 DOLLARS. True, its not as good as the console versions, but those sold for 60 DOLLARS.

    And this is exactly what I'm trying to say :).

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