Saturday, May 21, 2011

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars Ewok Wallpaper.
  • Star Wars Ewok Wallpaper.

  • labman
    Nov 15, 09:30 PM
    Wrong Forum! ;)

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star wars episode 3 wallpapers
  • Star wars episode 3 wallpapers

  • sikkinixx
    Sep 2, 06:41 PM
    Soooo tomorrow is the day. Finally, months after watching those damn east coasters get a taste of PAX, it's back home on the best coast. Huzzah!

    Gonna get on the inFamous machines asap as well as the Killzone 3 machines before they get mobbed down. Money is on Halo Reach being ***** nuts, as will the 3DS (if it's there......)

    I'll post pics as always. Yeehaw

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars Franchise
  • Star Wars Franchise

  • fowler.
    Feb 19, 04:01 PM

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. jedi iphone wallpaper
  • jedi iphone wallpaper

  • 0815
    Apr 13, 11:45 AM
    Can you guys answer 1 question for me?

    When the next iPhone does come out how will iPhone 4 Verizon customers be able to upgrade? Do you think that Verizon and AT&T will work out an early upgrade for them?

    Or do you think people who want the iPhone on Verizon will have already waited for the 5.

    There is no need to update your phone every year - updating every other year is just fine. People who really want to have the latest every year or so will have to pay the price for it. People buying the iPhone4 on Verizon were very well aware that the model might be outdated before the end of the year and still bought it knowing that - they probably don't plan getting the iPhone5 right away or were at least aware that this won't happen on a discounted price.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Wallpaper Download
  • Wallpaper Download

  • MattMJB0188
    Aug 2, 10:48 AM

    I LOVE THIS!!!!! Can you post a link? :D Thanks (

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Return of the Jedi Wallpaper, Poster, Star Wars Wallpapers
  • Return of the Jedi Wallpaper, Poster, Star Wars Wallpapers

  • Disc Golfer
    Jan 18, 12:44 AM
    Yo my fu<kin dick is bigger and cheaper, line up you ****in idiots.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return
  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return

  • gkarris
    Apr 7, 12:05 PM

    Don't know about the touchscreen - will miss the knob and trackball... :eek:


    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars Movie Wallpaper
  • Star Wars Movie Wallpaper

  • Kilamite
    Nov 11, 10:29 AM
    Given the length of the original message and the terseness of Jobs' reply, it suggests that either he doesn't give a crap, or the iPad's virtual keyboard is a bit pants to type on.

    Jobs always replies with short and sometimes witty responses.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return
  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return

  • Warbrain
    Oct 6, 12:08 PM
    All fine and dandy that they're putting in new features...

    but make it stable and make it compatible with most of the websites out there. Safari is so behind some other browsers...

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return
  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return

  • syklee26
    Sep 27, 11:20 AM
    im kinda still bitter about Apple not delivering .mac exclusive widget they promised...

    and when is this actually happening? last time Apple said "coming soon" regarding .Mac was regarding the widget.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi
  • Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi

  • Black Belt
    Apr 8, 01:46 PM
    Unlike most of you spoiled punks who never owned an Atari or played in a real arcade, I did and this game ROCKS! $15 for chunk o' games is nothing unless you're still living off yer mama's teet. Get a job, even a remedial one like the Apple store and quit yer whining. You just suck in Asteroids, that's all.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Tweak or no tweak, the return
  • Tweak or no tweak, the return

  • jamdr
    May 26, 11:15 PM
    I found it on an old zip disk. Since this seems to have disappeared from the internet (I didn't even know that was possible :eek:), here's a link to it ( Hopefully will be active for a long time...

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Return of the Jedi Wallpapers,
  • Return of the Jedi Wallpapers,

  • ollybutch
    Apr 23, 11:16 AM
    Anyone planning on queuing here? the store launch was mental with a huge queues but will be very interested too see how much interest the iPad is generating in East Anglia. I'm also just wondering when to start queuing.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Favourite movie: Star Wars:
  • Favourite movie: Star Wars:

  • chicagdan
    Jan 9, 03:37 PM
    I think the keynote was a bust. Waaaaaaaaayyyy to much time spent on the frickin' iPhone, and I'm the perfect demographic for it. My iPod 4Gen just died, and my Samsung Cingular cell is on the fritz, but there is no way in hell I'm paying $600 for a nano/phone combo. 8gig is not enough space, especially when you start putting any video content on there. Thanks Steve, I'll pass...:confused:

    I was thinking too that I'm the perfect demographic ... tied in Cingular customer, not terribly happy with my moto phone, Apple freak. I agree that the price is terrible and the memory too small.

    I wonder if video streaming to the phone might be announced before the product hits the shelves. The PSP can stream movies via Sony's LocationFree player. Maybe the Apple Phone will stream via a Slingbox or Apple Movie and they won't announce the functionality until later. Otherwise, I can't understand why they'd release a wide screen iPod without the storage space to hold movies.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. in Return of the Jedi.
  • in Return of the Jedi.

  • twoodcc
    Feb 12, 06:44 PM
    I'll keep you updated. Currently I'm working on getting my 10 WU's in under my passkey (at 7 right now) and after that I'll shift the i7 iMac over to -bigadv to take advantage of the pts bonuses and then we'll see what it can really do. Hopefully some big PPD. I'm folding under the name 206pilot.

    sounds good. let us know what kind of ppd that iMac gets with bigadv units.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. such films as Star Wars:
  • such films as Star Wars:

  • sinsin07
    Apr 27, 07:08 PM
    How many of the people who posted here negatively about this situation gone and deleted the file in question or downloaded the file that allows you to the tracking?

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Jedi Council Forums - The 2010
  • Jedi Council Forums - The 2010

  • Heilage
    Mar 20, 04:23 PM
    I've argued with Christians on a similar point. Shouldn't they allow the killers to have the rest of their natural lives to accept Jesus as their savior? And by executing them, we're saying to Jesus, "in your face! We decide, not you!"

    Logic has no bearing on this discussion. I would ask you to refrain from such nonsense.


    A rope, chair and ceiling hook should be provided, on the chance that you don't like the accomodations.

    Nope. If you don't like it, life sucks.

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return
  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Jan 10, 07:15 PM
    The Passat's headlights look like the Accord's...

    Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Wallpaper. Star Wars Return Of The Jedi
  • Star Wars Return Of The Jedi

  • LethalWolfe
    Nov 11, 01:57 PM
    I would still estimate that there are many more FCP installs in use than Avid.
    If you look at the industry as a whole there are but the higher up the food chain you go the fewer FCP seats you see. These numbers are from a couple of years ago but from what I remember FCP had about 50% of the market and Avid had 25% or 30%. A survey of A.C.E. members (American Cinema Editors), who mainly work on 'Hollywood' TV shows and movies, taken around the same time showed that about 80% of members used Avid while about 10% used FCP.

    For feature films and television these days, Final Cut is ABSOLUTELY the industry standard. Oh and in the 8 years I've lived in Hollywood, I never met one person in the industry who uses a Windows PC (maybe a writer or two).
    No, it's not and people do use PCs although Macs are typically much more common in the creative fields than in the general population.


    Mar 29, 08:33 AM
    Just the last week:

    Aug 3, 01:26 PM
    I JUST found that thread and have been crying for 15 minutes straight :D:D:eek::D
    Hilarious thread huh? I was laughing constantly while making my edits.:D

    Jun 15, 11:24 PM
    That's excellent. Bravo :)

    Jul 21, 05:07 PM

    Will Cheyney
    Dec 19, 05:20 PM
    Edited. Made it 75x75 instead of 60x60 pixels.

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