Saturday, May 21, 2011

Designs For Websites

Designs For Websites. designs for websites
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  • mikeylikesit
    Mar 20, 10:52 AM
    Hello. I was wondering if there is an app that will allow me to mirror output from a JB iPad to another iPad. I'm running 4.2.1 and jail broken. I currently use an iPad as a video player for my kids in the car, however, I would like another monitor so there is a display behind both headrests. I was considering a 7-10 inch monitor and running a cable, however with the lower prices for the original iPad this might be a better option. Thanks you.

    Designs For Websites. Construction Website Design
  • Construction Website Design

  • cocacolakid
    Apr 26, 02:21 PM
    Mactubes is spectacular for Youtube on a PPC.

    OP, a great browser for PPC Macs is TenFourFox (, it's specifically built for our old Macs.

    This has been a very fun thread to read through. Those old PowerMacs are great machines. Glad to see another one fixed up.

    Designs For Websites. website designs
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    Apr 7, 08:56 AM
    I wonder how many of these posts are trolls? I haven't had any issues whatsoever with 4.3.1. I also didn't have any problems with 4.3; battery life has been absolutely stellar and call performance actually improved in 4.3.1.

    The timing of all these "bitching" posts just seems suspicious.

    nah there are issues...lucky for you you don't have any

    Designs For Websites. Check out the live website.
  • Check out the live website.

  • tropicoola
    Oct 9, 04:06 PM
    In the mood for theming.

    Snowleopard. (

    Designs For Websites. Jing#39;s website is the
  • Jing#39;s website is the

  • Queen of Spades
    Dec 2, 02:24 AM
    Where's the holiday spirit, everyone? :D

    Designs For Websites. Web Design - Mobile Websites
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  • Raska
    Mar 11, 06:43 AM
    Anyone going to the Rockaway mall and which model are you getting? I'm getting the att 64gb 3G.

    I'll be there with my girlfriend, each getting a 16GB Wifi in white.

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  • Doctor Q
    Nov 1, 02:26 PM
    were is the other free /app tool thread?The What cool little OS X apps do you use? thread isn't limited to free applications, so it overlaps this topic.

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  • Gavroche62
    Jan 11, 01:37 AM
    It does raise the bar for other manufacturers, but this isn't the portable media player market. In business you either have to be the first, or the cheapest (neither applies to iPhone), simply being the best doesn't cut it. Apple and its devotees have argued for ages that MacOS is so superior to Windows it's ridiculous, but they've never managed to even put a dent in Microsoft's market share.

    With the iPod Apple was able to hog 60% of the market before the competition even woke up, but here they're up against Nokia, SonyEricsson, Motorola, Siemens, Blackberry, Palm/Treo, HP and a bunch of other giants with well established distribution channels and deals with every carrier on earth. I hope for Apple's sake they've patented the crap out of this thing because the first SonyEricsson iPhone killer is probably being designed as we speak.

    You're right this isn't the portable media market - those devices are primitive compared to what's being offered here and yet the heavy weights were NEVER able to even dent THAT market. You would think the likes of SONY, HP MOTOROLA, M$SOFT and all the other consumer electronics giants, with all of their resources, could come up with something smart enough to compete with the iPod over the years, right? Wrong! The iPod was revolutionary in its design and usability (and not the first portable media device by the way). Paired with the best online music store experience distanced it even further from the rest. That's what revolutionary means: a new playing field - a new system - a new product. Apple does this better than anyone in the world. I'm not sure the competition is just Nokia, SonyEricsson, and Motorola any more. Listen closely, Apple is attempting to reinvent the mobile phone by marrying what we traditionally associate with a smartphone (smartERphone actually) under a totally new "human friendly" and intuitive package. Those things tend to have mass appeal.

    If it ends up just being yet another slick mobile smartphone then yes, the competition will be a bear. On the other hand, if the mobile connectivity paradigm is changing as Apple wants it to, then its an (almost) level playing field again. Some may even argue that Apple has another head start on some of those technologies (mobile OS X for one - the best desktop OS now the best mobile OS)

    In the end, we all win. Competition is great. So lets just sit back, watch the race and hope the world doesn't meltdown before we can play with all of these toys.

    Designs For Websites. Law Firm Website Design
  • Law Firm Website Design

  • zen.state
    Mar 27, 02:10 PM
    thanks zen.state.

    what compound would you recommend? arctic silver seems to be the standard

    I have only used Arctic Silver 5 and OCZ Ultra 5. Both are good. I have even read in a couple places that the OCZ is actually just repackaged Arctic Silver. The OCZ tends to be darker than others though.

    In the end though the difference from the worst to the best paste is maybe 1-3C. Every bit does help though.

    Be sure to only use a dab on each CPU raised middle that is about the size of a grain of rice. Any other pertinent info about the application of individual pastes will be in the included instructions.

    Designs For Websites. samples website designs
  • samples website designs

  • blow45
    Apr 16, 10:03 AM
    you are putting a lot of parameters there, the site is reliable however as far as I can tell, I 've used it in the past.

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  • Buschmaster
    Nov 20, 12:18 PM
    I'm beginning to think out this will come out about when the Powerbook G5 does...

    Designs For Websites. Web Site Design – Family Law
  • Web Site Design – Family Law

  • gkarris
    Apr 7, 10:38 PM
    Overpriced. These games are ancient and most of them don't offer much gameplay at all. Plus it cost atari essentially nothing to put this app out. If they made it $0.99 for the hundred pack then it'd be no-brainer, we'd buy it just for the nostalgia alone. I could conceivably see paying up to $4.99 for the hundred pack for the very small handful of games that are actually worth playing. But $14.99 for these junky games? No way.

    p.s., I'm not saying all old games are bad, quite the contrary, there are a lot of fantastic old games that still hold up well, but the atari era of games were especially crappy.

    No way are they junky!

    But, the Nintendo DS version require Vol. 1 & 2 for all 100, which comes to $40.

    The difference is physical media, no DRM, and using a portable with REAL BUTTONS (;)) - but that's a whole other discussion... :eek:

    Hopefully, it'll be on sale for $9.99 (about 10 cents/game)

    Designs For Websites. Nytimes-large in Newspaper Website Design: Trends And Examples. The website#39;s design includes a nice use of blue and black headers and links,
  • Nytimes-large in Newspaper Website Design: Trends And Examples. The website#39;s design includes a nice use of blue and black headers and links,

  • lewis82
    Aug 15, 08:37 AM
    Molly Sims from an SI Swimsuit Issue a few years ago:

    Uh, where's the swimsuit? :p

    Designs For Websites. Website Design Solution #2
  • Website Design Solution #2

  • DirtySocks85
    Apr 7, 10:54 AM
    Negative votes on this? Seriously? So what if they're breaking the jailbreak, they're allowed to do so.

    And we're allowed to vote negative if we don't like this. Generally speaking in terms of iOS "security fixes" also means "closing holes used for jailbreak exploits". I'm all for closing holes like the ones that allowed the jailbreaks via Safari, but most of the holes used by JBers require the user to do some very specific things (like putting the phone into DFU mode). These aren't a threat to the average user.

    I have a 10gig weekly download limit at school and having to download a 600mb update every week for my iPod is annoying.

    No one is making you update.

    Designs For Websites. Oggi Tattoo Website Design
  • Oggi Tattoo Website Design

  • Vegasman
    Apr 4, 01:24 PM
    If you don't know that you can negotiate a better deal when leaving or after you have left, and you rely on giving up your personal info in order to obtain such "benefits," you deserve what you get.

    And to borrow your line of argument, let those of us who value our privacy stick with Apple, and you go enjoy Android and let FT and everyone else know everything about you.

    I don't have any android devices.

    Designs For Websites. This is the latest design in a
  • This is the latest design in a

  • dops7107
    Dec 16, 01:25 AM
    I suck at photoshop, but here goes nothing. I guess, if it was a little bigger it look decent.

    I think a more interesting font would help. Sould be gold n' sparkly! Though size constraints are a problem.

    Designs For Websites. Website Design
  • Website Design

  • BuiltforSin
    Sep 9, 03:33 PM
    ^^ I like it.

    Designs For Websites. designs for websites.
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  • xcoder1987
    Apr 11, 08:13 PM
    I am having a question about the shake event. I have developed an application which starts a count-up timer when the shake event begins and stops the timer when the shake event ends. My question is when we try shaking two iPhones catching them in one hand, do both generate the same timer value?
    Any kind of help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    Designs For Websites. Designs creates websites
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  • Dbrown
    Apr 21, 09:53 PM
    Except iOS is not a exclusively a smartphone OS. Again, if you are a developer, the metric that matters is how many devices are using the particular platform.

    iOS for iphone is an exclusive smartphone OS. Or are you telling me that ipod touch and ipad run the same exact OS?

    Why would you ever make a comparison like that? That's like comparing "laptop OS" versus "desktop OS". They're the same thing. Doesn't make a difference what device it's on, it's still the same OS. Is is that tough for you to understand?

    Laptops and desktops run the same exact OS. There are no apps that are made specifically for a laptop or desktop. There are iphone apps that wont run on an ipod touch. There are ipad apps that wont run on an ipod touch or an iphone. If they were the same OS then that wouldnt happen.

    Give me ONE compelling reason why you would ever compare just the phones segment.

    Because it's common sense.

    Apr 6, 12:59 PM
    My first computer had a tape drive. A Commodore Vic 20. I wonder how long a cassette tape needs to be to hold a TB not to mention a PB?

    Jul 2, 08:17 PM
    Trying to jailbreak my 3GS for hours and no sucess .
    it has the new ios 4 software , tried with pnwage tool 4.0 ,
    got a message sayig that firmware is not compatible .
    tried with redsnow , didnt work
    any suggestions ?

    Oct 2, 04:35 AM
    i, too, am firmly in the "Notes Haters" camp.

    I know that I will get the usual canned response here from Notes fans ("but, you see, it is not just an email app, it is so much more...").

    Yeah, they're probably the worst fanboys in the IT industry; "But it can do so much!" yes well if it can do so much, why is it the crashtastic pile of shite that it is today? If it crashes on you, you have to reboot the PC, cos just trying to start Lotus Notes again will give you a cryptic error message.

    The user interface is the worst ever ("click that little unmarked rectangle top-left in the mail view to check for new mail!", and, oh, about 10'000 other possible examples of UI idiocy).

    The last two jobs I've held have forced me to use this decades-past-it's-heyday trainwreck, and even though I've used it in various incarnations (~R4-R6 and whatever the latest public version is), I would love to know what the people at IBM were and still are smoking. Shouldn't you fix glaringly obvious bugs, from release to release? Do they even employ UI designers at IBM? Do they actually consider things such as optimizing performance, when rolling out a new release?

    As far as I can see, the sole reason it still exists, apart from the fact that you can send and receive emails and do scheduling with it (which are the two things most companies use it for today), seems to stem from the veritable ARMIES of consultants and developers that keep on recommending it, ostensibly to protect their own incomes after having spent thousands learning how to develop applications for it.

    Apr 22, 10:09 AM
    I've been using an A4tech wireless 2.4ghz mouse (G6-70D), and its been working fine. Now all of a sudden it's frozen, although the little dongle light still lights up when i move the mouse, even the the pointer doesnt move.

    Ive rebooted but no joy. The a4tech website doesnt actually say there is a mac driver but it has been working fine for a few days, now just stopped?

    Any ideas?


    May 2, 12:22 AM
    What's with all the names changes?

    iTools -> .Mac -> MobileMe -> iCloud

    It's not the name that's hindering Apple's online efforts, it's the pricing, features and reliability.

    I just hope they make iDisk as good or better as DropBox. iDisk in its current iteration is just awful.

    I'm with you. iDisk is a clunker and I never use it. Apple would be smart to just buy DropBox. It's perfect.

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