Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sayings About Girls

Sayings About Girls. Sayings (2159) Girls Gone
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  • Skorpion24
    Feb 14, 05:47 AM
    Latest ;) (

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  • tjcampbell
    Oct 10, 06:37 AM
    Bit of a scam that this isn't an upgrade from the Tweetie app.

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  • Mr.Noisy
    Dec 8, 01:51 AM
    Time for a change, nothing at all christmas related, just something plain and simple, i think i'll leave the christmas themes as i'm working on christmas day :eek: so i'll get all the christmas cheer i need then :)

    Source of Original (

    Sayings About Girls. cute life quotes and sayings
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  • edesignuk
    Feb 14, 05:35 AM
    You know, there is a quite horrific problem here. Now that e is a mod, he can't hijack threads, and do drive-by macro postings!

    We can't have fun anymore! Didn't you just love hijacking threads, and turning them into competitions of who can put e and K into a funny pic in e's backyard?

    They days of old are gone. e is still here, but his old personality is gone. No murdured. Murdured by his moderatorship. It just won't be the same anymore.

    The golden days of macrumors are over. But soon... a new idol will rise up, and the people in the fields will know that this is there time. We will throw off the shackles, and bring those who were once one of us, and turned away, back to our side! WE WILL BRING EM BACK ALIVE!

    Or maybe not, who knows?

    :D I'm still me, maybe a bit better behaved (honest Mr. Anderson! ;)), but still me...

    Sayings About Girls. and sayings for girls
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  • quagmire
    Apr 14, 03:02 PM
    The 2013 Malibu has been leaked. Official unveiling on Monday.

    I quite like it.

    Sayings About Girls. sayings for girls. sayings
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  • nobunaga209
    Sep 1, 07:41 PM
    Mine and source (

    Sayings About Girls. sayings for girls. life
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  • (L)
    Apr 30, 10:42 PM
    ...Apple is rumored ( to have purchased the domain name for $4.5 million dollars.

    Does this mean whoever randomly happened to have just made 4.5M$? Is there any money to be made by squatting on those? That seems counterintuitive, since if anyone could do it, so could Apple. Or do all domain names that have the form i[noun].com cost a ton of money for that reason?

    Sayings About Girls. and sayings for girls.
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  • Eric Lewis
    Jan 13, 12:23 PM

    Is so amazing

    Sayings About Girls. sayings for girls. cute
  • sayings for girls. cute

  • katie ta achoo
    Sep 24, 10:05 PM
    Tell him yourself, the little brat started this thread because he is mad at mommy and daddy.

    The thread starter will have to wait 18 years and 9 months to figure out if he'll let his own brat sleep over.

    Sayings About Girls. Girls Night Out Quotes Sayings
  • Girls Night Out Quotes Sayings

  • istud
    Feb 9, 03:08 PM
    God damn...I can't wait to change my Fam 2100 mins to 700mins since majority of calls are m2am.

    Sayings About Girls. and sayings for girls
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  • BeamWalker
    Sep 5, 05:38 PM (

    Sayings About Girls. and sayings for girls
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  • twoodcc
    Feb 7, 06:49 PM
    Yeah I had my computer shut down for the weekend but it's back up and running right now. I lost out on over 100K+ :(.

    I might build another computer as I have a i7 920 laying around and maybe I can run another bigadv client. I'm also looking to purchase a home soon so I may be in a out a bit while I get re-situated into my new place. I also can't be spending too much on computer goodies :D

    glad you are back up!

    might as well put that 920 to use!

    good luck with the home buy! i know how that can be! (i just bought one exactly 1 month ago!)

    yeah i can't be spending too much either ;)

    Sayings About Girls. and sayings for girls
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  • baryon
    Mar 25, 04:00 PM
    It needs offline maps. Without that, it's pointless on an iPod Touch, or any WiFi-only device. If I could save just one city at a time: say I'm going to London, and I will need a map of London all day, then I could save a given radius of a London map and it would be handy.

    What I do now is take screenshots of maps while I still have WiFi, but that's totally annoying to do.

    Sayings About Girls. and sayings for girls
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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 4, 10:38 AM
    This is rather amusing. People rush out to buy cheesy $30 iPhone Bumpers that cost .10 to make or some other overpriced case and have no issue. Many even buy multiples before they decide on one.

    But ATT raises the cost of a early upgrade phone by $50 and people go bonkers.

    1) It's an early upgrade. Do you really need to upgrade your phone sooner than every 18 months? If you do, that is your decision as a consumer. You certainly have no God given right to a cheap upgrade though. Stop whining.

    2) Inflation is here. Deal with it. Have you been to the grocery store lately? It's the price we pay when the Fed prints money like Chinese knock-offs.

    3) Last I checked the government enacts laws regarding the cell phone industry and also regulates the frequencies. There has never been anything stopping either congress or the executive branch or independent commissions from imposing rules to require cellcos to unlock phones after x months of service or to require them to sell unlocked phones.

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  • pilotkid
    Dec 25, 10:59 PM
    Santa was very good to me this year, like always. My "main" gift was a WiFi+3G Kindle with the Amazon case and a extended two year warranty, I've been wanting this for a while. I also got a bunch of Blu-Rays, lots of Amazon gift cards (according to the package two of them were from my, iTunes gift cards, some cloths, a new tripod for my DSLR, a really nice bracelet, and a few other nice stocking stuffer items.

    Sayings About Girls. best friend quotes and sayings
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  • Cartaphilus
    Nov 23, 10:57 PM
    In the UK, under its purely municipal law, there is a presumption that retail price management agreements are against the public interest, and therefore unenforceable. The law does, however, provide for the presumption to be overcome by evidence to the contrary, and in the case of publishers and booksellers, vertical retail price management has been held enforceable. The UK is, of course, a member of the European Union which takes a stronger stand against retail price management, and pursuant to the articles of the European Commission, it is their standards that apply to covered cross-border transactions.

    In the U.S., there have been swings back and forth through much of the 20th century, but current Federal law (since 2007) applies the "Rule of Reason" to retail price management arrangements, and a retail pricing scheme will be enforced if it is not anti-competitive. The Supreme Court recognized that competition often is enhanced by matters other than price (after-sale support, strong warranty, etc.), and it may well be reasonable to require a minimum price to support an overall more competitive position.

    Those who find the public policy aspects of this question interesting may wish to read the now definitive opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court,

    Sayings About Girls. best friend quotes and sayings
  • best friend quotes and sayings

  • sheeracali
    Mar 26, 10:05 PM
    I'm having problems with resume. In Safari,preview and some other apps, when I quit it dose not resume. It only resumes when I right click the icon on the dock and go to quit from there. It won't work from the safari menu or with cmd Q. Is this a normal bug or can I do something to fix this. Also, Airdrop is not showing up in the Finder sidebar.

    Sayings About Girls. life quotes and sayings
  • life quotes and sayings

  • icedd
    Aug 6, 10:37 AM
    thats really nice .. how did you do that ? the movies dir and stuff

    Candybar, Slipcover, and changing the Finder back;)ground!

    Sayings About Girls. and sayings for girls
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  • electronique
    Apr 3, 02:43 AM
    What icon/theme is that?

    I know I'm asking 3 people the same question, but those are all very great looking icons.
    Couldnt really tell you. Just random ones I found here (

    Apr 13, 11:13 PM
    When did fruity become a homophobic slur, I thought it was a synonym with gay

    Feb 15, 09:47 PM
    Don't you need the equivalent Xeon processors for the SR2?

    Yeah that would go so beautifully in my Lian Li case :cool: I'd spend $200 if I can fine one for that price.

    yeah you gotta have xeon processors. but still, you can overclock them! you can put out over 130,000 ppd with one machine!

    Nov 19, 12:04 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    It goes to show you that they can still make a profit with $100 off. I guess the price gouging by Apple continues.

    Not necessarily, it could be a loss leader. Apple's margin on products is generally 35%, however.

    Hilmi Hamidi
    Feb 7, 06:37 AM (

    Apr 7, 10:51 AM
    Me too. I've always loved Alfa Romeo. Well Fiat is we never know...maybe one day we will see Alfa Romeo as well.
    Me three. The Brera is a sexy piece of kit.

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