Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wallpapers For Q5 Micromax

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  • LagunaSol
    Mar 23, 12:08 PM
    Now if this guy is not leaving to retire. Then RIP Apple.

    Good grief, here comes the "Sky is falling!" crowd

    Seriously, if Apple thinks I want my computer to resemble an overgrown iPad then they can loose my money and I'll be buying an Alienware.

    Have fun with that.

    Microsoft seem to be the only ones that still get computers?

    Words are not sufficient to respond to this gem.

    IMO you don't leave a massively successful company after 22 years without a reason unless your retiring.

    Everyone likes to try new things. 22 years is a long time. Most of us would like to drop what we're doing and try something new. Unfortunately, unlike Bertrand, most of us don't have the money to do it.

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  • skunk
    Mar 23, 05:21 PM
    Sorry, i'm not getting your point.Your apparent eagerness to lay blame on the victim is bizarre and highly questionable.

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  • Mr.Hey
    Dec 14, 09:13 PM
    He looks mysterious and cute at the same time. I like it.

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  • basemansix8
    May 4, 08:42 PM
    Thanks for the positive feedback, keep on downloading Foursight while it's FREE!

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  • YS2003
    May 5, 03:14 AM
    Taken from my trip to the Dallas Auto show last weekend; Nissan GTR aka Nissan Skyline. I've dreamed of having this car stateside for most of my youth. Now that it's finally here, Nissan guaranteed I will NEVER own one with the $80k price tag. :(
    Even if you were able to manage to get one, you would be paying way too much for maintenance and wear and tear replacement parts.

    This car is a masterpiece in terms of performance/(initial) price. But, the collateral damage is an excessive expense for parts and maintenance when you wring out as much performance as possible from a street legal sports car with the entry price still attainable for a regular guy.

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  • user582
    Apr 14, 07:56 PM
    My application produces a timer value when I shake the iphone. I need to perform 8 shakes and after each shake, i need to save that particular result into a file and later retrieve these values from the file to convert them into binary format. Can someone tell me if this can be done? If so, how?


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  • mcdj
    Mar 28, 01:05 AM
    Actually yes... If you cross the road without looking.. You deserve to get hit by a car. What the hell kind of example is that? If you're going to spend $450 on something, you should AT LEAST be smart enough to read the description of the product. I never once said the seller was right in doing so, so don't you dare call me a scum... Maybe you should re-read my post before you try and act like a smart guy. We don't need anymore trolls around here. I clearly stated the buyer deserves to lose his money for complete stupidity.

    And don't even get me started with your crossing the road without looking comparison. You should think about what you say before you type it out. You're comparing a person losing $450 and potentially someone being killed.

    Lol you're asking me to re-read what you wrote when you can't even see who I was calling scum in my post? Hint: it wasn't you. Another tip. Not every single person who writes something you disagree with is a troll. Check your web slang dictionary. Troll is becoming more misused than "fail".

    Funny how people who say the buyer gets what he deserves get all macho and hot headed about it, just like the seller.

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  • Eye4Desyn
    Apr 13, 09:59 AM
    I guess we'll just have to find out in June. Maybe not at WWDC, but who says there won't be a hardware announcement at some point immediately following WWDC? Either way, I'm fine with my iP4....that is until iP5 is available :D

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  • yg17
    Apr 27, 10:04 AM
    The lesbians.

    What kind of lesbians are we talking about? The stereotypical flannel wearing butch lesbian that can probably kick any guy's ass, or the 18 year old hot blonde lesbians in porn who probably aren't really lesbian but will eat carpet on camera because it pays? Because I'm a fan of the latter.

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  • jsw
    Oct 12, 03:45 PM
    Can't tell - the site is down (well, not down, but not all that accessible either - the page says they're being hit with excessive traffic...).

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 28, 12:27 PM
    What, did Apple think that Verizon customers would warmly welcome someone who shunned them for 4 years? The customer is most important, shouldn'thave signed that exclusive contract with AT&T... relly stunted their growth in the CDMA market, people move on too...

    If Apple had not signed that exclusive contract with AT&T, there would be no iPhone as we know it. Nor would there be Android as we know it. AT&T was the carrier willing to cede device control to Apple, which was a real game-changer. They required exclusivity to do it.

    Android fans should be thanking Apple for that partnership, because not only did it make their own OS possible, but it also gave their OS a growth opportunity while Apple was tied down with AT&T.

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  • TUD
    Apr 7, 10:26 AM

    Battery life in 4.3 and 4.3.1 has been noticeably worse than in previous versions of ios. As measured by my iphone 3gs. Stock device, not jailbroken, not unlocked.


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  • LiloThePleo
    Feb 2, 10:40 PM
    I made this entirely on my ipad :) This is for fellow robotic dinosaur (Pleo) lovers :P I have about thirty Pleo desktop backgrounds on rotation.

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  • Apple Expert
    Apr 4, 10:37 AM
    So it looks like when I upgrade every year, I will have to pay an additional $50? :mad: F U AT&T. If you weren't giving me 3+ downloads I would of dropped you in a second!

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  • OddThomas
    Oct 15, 11:44 PM
    my 3 hyperspaces.

    all from

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  • munkle
    Nov 14, 09:51 PM
    Some more cool free apps that haven't been mentioned:

    Mail.appetizer ( a nice and simple new e-mail notifier screen.

    Graffiti ( lets you flip over any window in a Cocoa application and write on the back!

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  • Socratic
    May 3, 02:56 AM
    Arguments that gay people shouldn't be allowed to give blood? Really? I give way to much credit to society sometimes. Equating homosexuality to prostitution or drug use is so incredibly ignorant.

    Learn to read. You will be happier.

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  • mpossoff
    Feb 10, 09:22 AM
    I checked online, and it says you need FamilyTalk 1400 � 2100 plans for A-List. Guess it's not updated yet?

    Called again. I did this change in the store. Rep said when you go from 1400 min to 700 min system will automatically disable a list.

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  • jkdsteve
    May 2, 12:30 PM
    The *only* thing I care about is whether or not it's all fully functional on Snow Leopard....from what I've seen of Lion so far, do not want :-(

    Apr 15, 07:50 AM
    People didn't seem to care about the "gay plague" because it only affected gays. People cared about Ryan White and the Ray brothers, they didn't care about iniquitous obnoxious gays and lesbians.

    Wow...just wow. So now you claim to speak for all of society back then? Unbelievable. And please, don't hold back on your feeling regarding us. You keep exposing yourself for what you truly are.

    So then they had sex with the person of opposite gender, they adopted or test tube baby.

    So what? What is your point?

    I have no interest in destroying you, I have no interest in harming you. You imply I want to physically hurt homosexuals, but I do not.

    Political harm to me is violence. Do cannot deny that you wish to withhold rights from us.

    As with anything in history, there's a right balance and a need for both violence and diplomacy together in order for one group to obtain favorable circumstances...or simply dominate another group. The truth is that humans don't "live in peace". Our whole existance is actually due to the fact that we kill eachother. Otherwise, we would just be like any other lower animal.

    Sad, but true. Diplomacy should always be the first approach. But it doesn't always work. I've found out the hard way, believe me.

    Apr 6, 12:13 PM
    This is torture... I just wish Apple would send out invitations for another event and tell us themselves what it is that we will be seeing. Please, Apple?

    Oct 9, 03:02 PM
    Its a little laggy but im liking it so far :)

    Apr 4, 07:36 AM
    I finally took the time to somewhat clean my desktop in order to take this screenshot. Still way too many folders for how I like, but I consolidated nearly 60% and got them in a single column!

    Left-field upper deck of Wrigley Field from right-center. Obviously edited. Pretty sure I have posted it before at some point, but it's baseball season again.

    May 4, 01:37 PM
    Ohhh, alright is seems clear enough :)

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